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Cameras > Kodak Eastman

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The Eastman Dry Plate Company, the predecessor of Eastman Kodak, was established in 1880 by George Eastman and Henry Strong in Rochester, New York. The 'Kodak' trademark was registered on September 4, 1888, and the Eastman Kodak Company was founded in 1892.
Shortly thereafter, in 1897 Kodak acquired American Camera Manufacturing Company of Northboro previously founded by Thomas H. Blair. In 1898, Kodak purchased The Photo Materials Company (PMC) and in 1899, Kodak acquired another Blair's company - Blair Camera Company of Boston.
In 1903 Kodak bought out the large camera manufacturing syndicate consisting of five camera companies - The Rochester Optical Company. During the same year Kodak purchased a stock of The Century Camera Company previously owned by Rochester Optical Company employees. In its turn, Century Company took over the Rochester Panoramic Camera Company (maker of the original Cirkut cameras) in 1905. Century became a Century Division of the Kodak company in 1907.
In 1905 Kodak acquired Folmer & Schwing Manufacturing Company, but in 1921 the Kodak company (being a way too large) was forced to split and sell Folmer & Schwing-Century Division with Grafiex, Graphic and Century brands; the Premo factory and a Premo brand; Artura, Seed, Stanley and Standard brands.
Currently Kodak manufactures a lot of digital equipment, cameras, printers, etc. In 2012 the company filed for the bankruptcy protection.

To get a better understanding of the Kodak film sizes you may want to check the Kodak film size classification. Also you might like to visit a site by Chuck Baker with many articles about Kodak cameras and films.

Kodak Eastman cameras: Years of manufacture:
Advantix 1600 1997-1999   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Advantix 2000 1996-1998   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Advantix 2100 1996   Rarity indexCollection
Advantix 3100AF 1997   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Advantix 3200AF 1996-1999   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Advantix 3400AF c1997   PhotoRarity index
Advantix 3600ix c1996   PhotoRarity index
Advantix 3700ix c1996   PhotoRarity index
Advantix 3800ix 1997   Photo
Advantix 4100ix c1995   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Advantix 4700ix c1997   PhotoRarity index
Advantix 4800ix c1997   Rarity index
Advantix 4900 c1996-1999   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Advantix 5600mrx c1998   Photo
Advantix 5800mrx c1998   PhotoRarity index
Advantix C300 c2000   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Advantix C350 c2000   PhotoRarity index
Advantix C370 c2000   PhotoCollection
Advantix C400 c2000   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Advantix C450 c2000   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Advantix C470 c2000   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Advantix C650 c2000   PhotoRarity index
Advantix C700 2001   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Advantix C750 c1990s   PhotoCollection
Advantix C800 c2000   PhotoRarity index
Advantix C850 c2000   PhotoRarity index
Advantix F220 c2002   Rarity indexCollection
Advantix F300 c2001   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Advantix F320 c2002   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Advantix F350 c1999   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Advantix F600 c2001   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Advantix F620 c2001   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Advantix Preview c1990s   PhotoCollection
Advantix Switchable c2000   PhotoRarity index
Advantix T30 2003   PhotoRarity index
Advantix T40 2003   PhotoRarity index
Advantix T500 1999   PhotoRarity index
Advantix T550 1999   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Advantix T60 2003   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Advantix T70 2000   PhotoRarity index
Advantix T700 2000   PhotoRarity index
Aircraft (L-654) c1920   PhotoRarity index
Aircraft K-20 c1940   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Aircraft K-24 1942   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Anniversary Kodak 1930   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Auto Colorsnap 35 1962-1964   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Autographic Junior No.1 1914-1927   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Autographic Junior No.1A 1914-1927   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Autographic Junior No.2C 1916-1927   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Autographic Junior No.3A 1918-1927   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Autographic No.1A 1914-1924   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Autographic No.2C 1914-1924   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Autographic No.3 1914-1926   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Autographic No.3 Model H 1914-1926   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Autographic No.3A 1914-1934   PhotoRarity indexManualCollectionWishlist
Autographic No.3A grey 1914-1934   Rarity index
Autographic No.3A Model C 1914-1934   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Autographic Special No.1 1915-1926   Rarity index
Autographic Special No.1A 1914-1917   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Autographic Special No.1A (rangefinder) 1917-1933   Photo
Autographic Special No.2C 1923-1928   PhotoCollection
Autographic Special No.3 1914-1924   Rarity indexCollection
Autographic Special No.3 Model A 1914-1924   PhotoCollection
Autographic Special No.3A 1914-1916   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Autographic Special No.3A (rangefinder) 1917-1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Autographic Special No.3A (Signal Corps) 1916   Rarity indexComments
Autographic Special No.3A Model B 1914-1916   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Automatic 35 1959-1964   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Automatic 35B 1961-1962   Rarity indexCollection
Automatic 35F 1962-1966   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Automatic 35R4 1965-1969   Rarity indexCollection
Automatic 8 1961   PhotoCollectionWishlist
Autosnap 1962-1964   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Baby Brownie 1934-1941   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollectionWishlistfor_sale
Baby Brownie NY World Fair 1939-1940   PhotoCollectionWishlist
Baby Brownie Special 1939-1954   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Baby Hawk-Eye 1936   PhotoCollectionWishlist
Bantam Colorsnap c1958-1960   PhotoManualCollection
Bantam Colorsnap 3 1961-1963   PhotoCollection
Bantam Colorsnap II 1959-1961   Rarity indexCollection
Bantam f12.5 1935-1938   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Bantam f4.5 1938-1948   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollectionWishlist
Bantam f5.6 1938-1941   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Bantam f6.3 1935-1947   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Bantam f8 1938-1942   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Bantam Range Finder 1953-1957   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollectionWishlist
Bantam Special 1936-1948   PhotochartRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Bantam UK Military c1940s   PhotoRarity index
Bantam US Military c1940s   Rarity index
Beau Brownie No 2 1930-1933   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollectionWishlist
Beau Brownie No 2 (Green) 1930-1933   CollectionWishlist
Beau Brownie No 2A 1930-1933   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollectionWishlist
Beau Brownie No 2A (Green) 1930-1933   CollectionWishlist
Box 620 1936-1937   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Box 620 A 1936-1937   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Box 620 B 1937-1939   PhotoCollectionWishlist
Box 620 C 1939-1940   Rarity indexCommentsCollection
Boy Scout (Vest Pocket, olive) 1929-1933   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Boy Scout (Vest Pocket) 1929-1933   PhotoCollectionWishlist
Boy Scout Brownie 1932-1934   PhotoCollectionWishlist
Brownie (1900) 1900   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Brownie (original) 1900   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Brownie 127 (1953-1959, white) 1953-1959   Rarity indexCollectionWishlist
Brownie 127 (1953-1959) 1953-1959   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Brownie 127 (1965-1967) 1965-1967   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie 44A 1959-1966   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie 44B 1961-1963   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie 620 1933   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Brownie 8 1951   PhotoCollection
Brownie Auto 27 1963-1964   Rarity indexCommentsCollection
Brownie Bullet 1957-1964   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Brownie Bullet II 1961-1968   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Brownie Bulls-Eye 1954-1960   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollectionWishlist
Brownie Bulls-Eye gold 1954-1960   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Camera (110) 1980   Rarity indexCommentsCollection
Brownie Chiquita 1954-1964   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Cine Camera 1951   PhotoCollection
Brownie Cresta 1955-1958   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Brownie Cresta 3 1960-1965   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Brownie Cresta II 1956-1959   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Fiesta 1962-1966   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Brownie Fiesta (Flash) 1950-1961   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Fiesta 3 1962-1966   PhotoRarity indexWishlist
Brownie Fiesta R4 1966-1969   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Brownie Flash 20 1959-1962   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Brownie Flash B 1958-1960   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Brownie Flash Camera 1950-1961   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Flash II (Australia) 1958-1963   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Flash II (UK) 1956-1959   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Flash III 1957-1960   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Flash IV 1957-1959   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Brownie Flash Six-20 1946-1955   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollectionWishlist
Brownie Flashmite 20 1960-1965   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Brownie Fun Saver 1963-1968   PhotoCollection
Brownie Hawkeye 1949-1951   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Brownie Hawkeye Flash Model 1950-1961   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Brownie Holiday 1953-1957   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Brownie Holiday Flash 1954-1962   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Brownie Junior 620 1933-1936   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Brownie Junior 620 Model 113 D 1933-1936   Rarity index
Brownie Junior No.2 1930-1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Junior Super Six-20 c1935-1940   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Model I 1957-1959   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Movie Camera II 1956-1958   PhotoCollection
Brownie No.0 Model A (UK) 1914-1935   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Brownie No.0 Model A (US) 1914-1935   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Brownie No.1 1900   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie No.1 Model B (US) 1907-1916   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Brownie No.2 (Silver Jubilee) (UK) 1935   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie No.2 Model B (US) 1901-1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie No.2 Model C (US) 1901-1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie No.2 Model D (US) 1901-1933   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Brownie No.2 Model E (US) 1901-1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie No.2 Model F (UK) 1901-1933   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Brownie No.2 Model F (US) 1901-1933   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Brownie No.2A Model B (Canada) 1920-1924   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie No.2A Model B (US) 1911-1933   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Brownie No.2A Model C (Canada) 1907-1933   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Brownie No.2A Model C (UK) 1924-1933   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Brownie No.2A Model C (US) 1924-1933   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Brownie No.2A Model F (US) 1929-1933   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Brownie No.2C Model A (US) 1927-1934   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie No.3 1908-1934   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Brownie No.3 Model B (US) 1917-1920   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Pliant Six-16 1939   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Pliant Six-20 1939   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Reflex 1946-1960   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Reflex (USA) 1940-1941   PhotoCollection
Brownie Reflex 20 1959-1966   PhotoRarity indexManualCollectionfor_sale
Brownie Reflex Synchro 1941-1952   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Brownie Six-20 Camera Model C 1953-1957   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Six-20 Camera Model D 1953-1957   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Six-20 Camera Model E 1953-1957   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Six-20 Camera Model F 1955-1957   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Brownie Special No 2 1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Special No 2A 1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie StarFlash 1957-1965   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Brownie StarFlash Coca Cola 1959   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie StarFlash F 1957-1965   Collection
Brownie Starflex 1957-1964   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Brownie Starlet (UK) 1953-1956   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Starlet (USA) 1957-1962   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Brownie Starlet II c1965   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Starluxe 1960-1963   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Starluxe 4 c1967   PhotoRarity index
Brownie Starluxe II 1960-1963   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Starmatic 1959-1961   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Starmatic II 1961-1963   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Starmeter 1960-1965   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Brownie Starmite 1960-1963   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Starmite II 1962-1967   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Brownie Super 27 1961-1965   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Brownie Target Six-16 (US) 1941-1951   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Brownie Target Six-16 (US) (Mickey Mouse) c1995   PhotoRarity indexManual
Brownie Target Six-16 (US) (Millennium) 2000   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Brownie Target Six-20 (Canadian) 1946-1952   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Brownie Target Six-20 (US) 1941-1952   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Brownie Target Six-20 (US) (Mickey Mouse) c1930s   PhotoRarity index
Brownie Turret 1958   PhotoCollection
Brownie Turret Scopesight 1958   Photo
Brownie Twin 20 1959-1964   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Brownie Vecta 1963-1966   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Buckeye 1899  
Bull's Eye No.2 1896-1913   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Bull's Eye No.2 (1897-1899) 1897-1899   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Bull's Eye No.3 1908-1913   PhotoCollection
Bull's Eye No.3 Model A 1908-1913   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Bull's Eye No.4 1896-1904   PhotoCollection
Bull's Eye Special No.2 1896-1913   PhotoCollectionWishlist
Bull's Eye Special No.4 1896-1904   PhotoCollection
Bullet 1936-1942   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Bullet No.2 1895-1902   PhotoCollection
Bullet No.4 1896-1900   Collection
Bullet NY World Fair 1939-1940   PhotoCollection
Bullet Special No.2 1898-1904   Collection
Bullet Special No.4 1898-1904   Collection
Cameo 1993-1995   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Cameo 230 Zoom c1990s   Photo
Cameo Focus-Free 1993-1995   Collection
Cameo Motor 1995   Photo
Cameo Motor 110 1993   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Cameo Motor EX 1995   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Cameo Motordrive 1993-1995   PhotoCollection
Cameo Panoramic (Auto Focus) 1994-1996   PhotoCollection
Cameo Zoom 1993   Photo
Cameo Zoom Plus 1993   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Camp Fire Girls Kodak 1931-1934   PhotoComments
Cartridge Hawk-Eye No.2 1924-1925   PhotoCollection
Cartridge Hawk-Eye No.2 Model A 1924-1926   PhotoCollection
Cartridge Hawk-Eye No.2 Model B 1926-1934   PhotoCollection
Cartridge Hawk-Eye No.2 Model C 1926-1934   PhotoManualCollection
Cartridge Hawk-Eye No.2 Modernist 1930   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Cartridge Hawk-Eye No.2A 1924-1934   PhotoCollection
Cartridge No.3 1900-1907   PhotoCollection
Cartridge No.4 (1897) 1897-1900   PhotochartRarity indexCollection
Cartridge No.4 (1900) 1900-1907   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Cartridge No.5 1898-1907   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Cartridge Premo No.00 1916-1922   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Cartridge Premo No.2 1916-1923   PhotoManualCollection
Cartridge Premo No.2A 1916-1923   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Cartridge Premo No.2C 1917-1923   ManualCollection
Century of Progress 1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Century Universal 1924-1938  
Challenger 1986-1990   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Champ Kodamatic 1982-1984   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Chevron 1953-1956   PhotoRarity indexManualCollectionWishlist
Cine Magazine 8 1946-1955   PhotoCollection
Cine Magazine 8A 1946-1948   Photo
Cine model 20 1932-1947   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Cine model 25 1933-1947   PhotoCollection
Cine model A c1923   PhotoRarity indexComments
Cine model B c1923   PhotoCollectionfor_sale
Cine model BB c1929   PhotoRarity index
Cine model E 1937-1946   PhotoCollection
Cine model K 1933-1946   PhotoCollection
Cine-Kodak 1923   PhotoCollection
Cine-Kodak Eight Model 20 1932-1947   PhotoCollection
Cine-Kodak Eight Model 25 1934   PhotoCollection
Cine-Kodak Eight Model 60 1932   PhotoCollection
Cine-Kodak Eight Model 90 1940   PhotoCollection
Cine-Kodak Eight-55 1954   Photo
Cine-Kodak K-100 Turret c1950s   PhotoCollection
Cine-Kodak Royal Magazine 1950-1967   PhotoCollection
Cine-Kodak Special (NAVY) c1940   PhotoCollection
Cine-Kodak Special I 1933-1936   PhotoCollection
Cine-Kodak Special II 1948-1961   Photo
Cirkut Century No. 46 c1907   Photo
Cirkut No.10 (Panorama) 1904-1940   PhotoCommentsCollection
Cirkut No.16 1905-1924  
Cirkut No.5 1915-1923   Photo
Cirkut No.6 1907-1925   PhotoManual
Cirkut No.8 1907-1926   Photo
Clinical Viewcamera 1923-1930   Photo
Colorburst 100 1978-1980   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Colorburst 250 1979   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Colorburst 300 1978-1980   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Colorburst 50 1979   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Colorsnap 35 1959-1964   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Colorsnap 35 Auto 1962-1964  
Colorsnap 35 Model 2 1964-1967   PhotoCollection
Companera 1983   PhotoCollection
Cone Pocket No.1 1898   Photo
Cone Pocket No.2 1898  
Cross 1985  
Daylight Kodak Camera A 1891-1895   Rarity index
Daylight Kodak Camera B 1891-1895   Photo
Daylight Kodak Camera C 1891-1895  
DC210 Plus 1998   PhotoDigitalCollection
DC215 1999   PhotoDigitalCollection
DC220 1998   Digital
DC240 1999   DigitalCollection
DC240i 1999   Digital
DC260 1998   PhotoDigitalCollection
DC280 1999   PhotoDigital
DC290 1999   PhotoDigitalCollection
DC3200 1998   PhotoDigitalCollection
DC3400 2000   PhotoDigitalCollection
DC40 1995   PhotoDigital
DC4800 2000   PhotoDigitalCollection
DC5000 2000   Digital
DCS 100 (Nikon F3) 1991   PhotoDigitalRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
DCS 3c (EOS 1N) 1995   PhotoDigitalCollection
DCS 760 (NASA) 2005   PhotoDigital
DCS 760C Professional 2001   PhotoDigitalRarity indexCollection
DCS Pro 14n 2002   DigitalRarity indexCollection
DCS315 1998   PhotoDigital
DCS420 1994   DigitalCollection
DCS460 1995   PhotoDigital
DCS560 1998   Digital
DCS620 1999   Digital
DCS720x 2001   Digital
DCS760 2001   PhotoDigital
Deportiva c1970s   PhotoCollectionWishlist
Disc 2000 1982-1984   PhotoCollection
Disc 3000 1983-1984   PhotoCommentsCollection
Disc 3100 1984-1987   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Disc 3100 (red) 1984-1987   PhotoCommentsCollection
Disc 3500 c1980s   PhotoCollection
Disc 3500 Heineken c1983   Photo
Disc 3500 Schwepps c1983   Photo
Disc 3600 1986-1990   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Disc 4000 1982-1984   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Disc 4000 Levi's 1982-1984   Photo
Disc 4000 Ned B.V. 1982   Photo
Disc 4100 1984-1987   PhotoCommentsCollection
Disc 6000 1982-1984   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Disc 6000 (transparent) 1982-1984   PhotoCollection
Disc 6100 1984-1987   PhotoCommentsCollection
Disc 8000 1982-1984   PhotoCommentsCollection
Disc Challenger 1986-1990   PhotoCommentsCollection
Disc Medalist I 1986-1987   Collection
Disc Medalist II 1986-1987   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Duaflex I 1947-1955   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Duaflex II 1950-1960   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Duaflex III 1954-1957   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Duaflex IV 1955-1960   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Duex 1940-1942   PhotoRarity indexManualCollectionWishlist
Duo Six-20 1933-1937   PhotoCollection
Duo Six-20 Series II 1937-1939   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Duo Six-20 Series II RF 1939-1940   PhotoCollection
DX3215 2001   Digital
DX3500 2001   PhotoDigitalCommentsCollection
DX3600 2001   PhotoDigitalCollection
DX3700 2001   Digital
DX3900 2001   PhotoDigitalCommentsCollection
DX4330 2002   PhotoDigital
DX4530 2003   PhotoDigitalCollection
DX4900 2002   Digital
DX6340 2003   Digital
DX6440 2003   Digital
DX6490 2003   PhotoDigital
DX7440 2004   PhotoDigitalCollectionWishlist
DX7590 2004   PhotoDigitalCollection
DX7630 2004   PhotoDigitalCollection
Eastman Plate No.3 1903   Collection
Eastman Plate No.4 1903   Collection
Eastman Plate No.5 1903  
Easy Load 35 KE115 c2000  
Easy Load 35 KE25 c2000  
Easy Load 35 KE30 c2000   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Easy Load 35 KE60 c2000   PhotoCommentsCollection
Easy Load 35 KE85 c2000   PhotoCollection
EasyShare C1013 2008   PhotoDigital
EasyShare C122 2010   DigitalCollection
EasyShare C135 2012   Digital
EasyShare C140 2009   PhotoDigital
EasyShare C1530 2011   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare C195 2010   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare C300 2005   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare C310 2005   PhotoDigitalCommentsCollection
EasyShare C330 2005   PhotoDigitalRarity indexCollection
EasyShare C340 2005   PhotoDigitalCommentsCollection
EasyShare C360 2005   PhotoDigital
EasyShare C433 2006   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare C513 2007   Digital
EasyShare C533 2006   PhotoDigitalCommentsCollectionWishlist
EasyShare C613 2007   PhotoDigitalRarity indexCollection
EasyShare C633 2006   PhotoDigital
EasyShare C643 2006   PhotoDigital
EasyShare C653 2007   PhotoDigitalCommentsCollection
EasyShare C663 2006   PhotoDigital
EasyShare C713 2008   PhotoDigital
EasyShare C743 2006   PhotoDigitalRarity indexCommentsCollection
EasyShare C763 2007   Digital
EasyShare C813 2008   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare C875 2006   PhotoDigital
EasyShare C913 2008   PhotoDigital
EasyShare CX4200 2002   DigitalCollection
EasyShare CX4230 2002   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare CX4300 2002   PhotoDigital
EasyShare CX6200 2003   PhotoDigital
EasyShare CX6230 2003   Digital
EasyShare CX6330 2003   PhotoDigital
EasyShare CX7220 2004   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare CX7300 2004   PhotoDigitalRarity indexCommentsCollection
EasyShare CX7330 2004   PhotoDigitalCommentsCollection
EasyShare CX7430 2004   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare CX7525 2004   PhotoDigital
EasyShare CX7530 2004   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare DX4330 2002   Photo
EasyShare DX4530 2003   PhotoDigital
EasyShare M1033 2008   Digital
EasyShare M1063 2008   Digital
EasyShare M1073 IS 2008   PhotoDigital
EasyShare M1093 IS 2008   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare M320 2009   PhotoDigital
EasyShare M340 2009   PhotoDigitalRarity indexCollection
EasyShare M341 2009   PhotoDigitalCommentsCollection
EasyShare M380 2009   PhotoDigital
EasyShare M381 2009   PhotoDigital
EasyShare M530 2010   PhotoDigital
EasyShare M532 2010   PhotoDigitalCollection
Easyshare M5370 2011   PhotoDigital
EasyShare M550 2010   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare M575 2010   Digital
EasyShare M580 2009   PhotoDigital
EasyShare M753 2007   PhotoDigital
EasyShare M763 2008   DigitalCommentsCollection
EasyShare M853 2007   Digital
EasyShare M863 2008   Digital
EasyShare M873 2007   PhotoDigital
EasyShare M883 2007   PhotoDigitalRarity indexCollection
EasyShare M893 IS 2008   PhotoDigital
EasyShare Mini 2011   Digital
Easyshare One 2005   PhotoDigital
EasyShare P712 2006   PhotoDigital
EasyShare P850 2005   PhotoDigital
EasyShare P880 2005   PhotoDigital
EasyShare Sport 2011   PhotoDigital
EasyShare V1003 2007   PhotoDigital
EasyShare V1073 2008   Digital
EasyShare V1233 2007   PhotoDigital
EasyShare V1253 2007   PhotoDigitalCommentsCollection
EasyShare V1273 2008   PhotoDigital
EasyShare V530 2005   PhotoDigital
EasyShare V550 2005   PhotoDigital
EasyShare V570 2006   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare V610 2006   PhotoDigitalRarity indexCollection
EasyShare V705 2006   PhotoDigital
EasyShare V803 2007   PhotoDigital
EasyShare Z1012 IS 2007   PhotoDigital
EasyShare Z1015 IS 2008   PhotoDigital
EasyShare Z1085 IS 2008   Digital
EasyShare Z1275 2007   Digital
EasyShare Z1285 2008   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare Z1485 IS 2009   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare Z5120 2012   Digital
EasyShare Z612 2006   PhotoDigital
EasyShare Z650 2006   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare Z700 2005   PhotoDigitalCommentsCollection
EasyShare Z710 2006   PhotoDigitalRarity indexCollection
EasyShare Z712 IS 2007   PhotoDigital
EasyShare Z730 2005   PhotoDigital
EasyShare Z740 2005   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare Z7590 2005   Digital
EasyShare Z760 2005   DigitalCollection
EasyShare Z812 IS 2007   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare Z8612 IS 2008   PhotoDigital
EasyShare Z885 2007   PhotoDigitalCollection
EasyShare Z915 2009   PhotoDigital
EasyShare Z950 2009   Digital
EasyShare Z980 2009   PhotoDigital
EasyShare Z981 2010   PhotoDigital
EasyShare Z990 (EasyShare Max) 2011   Digital
EK1 1977-1978   Photo
EK100 1978-1980   PhotoCollection
EK160 1979-1982   PhotoCollection
EK160-EF 1979-1982   PhotoCollection
EK2 1977-1978   PhotoCollection
EK20 1979-1981   PhotoCollection
EK200 1979-1980   PhotoCollection
EK260-EF 1981-1982   Photo
EK300 1978-1980   PhotoCollection
EK4 1976-1978   PhotoCollection
EK6 1976-1978   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
EK8 1977-1979   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
EktaSound 130 1973-1977   Photo
EktaSound 140 1974-1977   PhotoCollection
Ektra 1941-1948   PhotochartRarity indexManualCollectionWishlist
Ektra (pocket) c1978   PhotoCollection
Ektra 1 1978   PhotoCollection
Ektra 100 1983   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Ektra 12 1978-1981   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Ektra 12 EF 1980-1981   PhotoCollection
Ektra 2 1978-1980   Collection
Ektra 200 1980-1987   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Ektra 22 1978-1980   PhotoCollection
Ektra 22 EF 1978-1980   PhotoCollection
Ektra 250 1980-1983   PhotoCollection
Ektra 52 1978-1980   Collectionfor_sale
Ektra 90 1986   Photo
Ektra II 1944   PhotoRarity indexWishlist
Ektra Outfit 1941-1948   Photo
Ektralite 10 1978   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Ektralite 30 1979   Collection
Ektralite 400 1981   PhotoCommentsCollectionWishlist
Ektralite 450 1980   PhotoCollection
Ektralite 500 1980   PhotoCollection
Ektramax 1978   Photo
Electric 8 1962   Photo
Empire State 1893-1913  
Eureka Junior No.2 1898-1899  
Eureka No.2 1898-1899   Photo
Eureka No.4 1899   Rarity indexComments
Euro-35 Colors c1990s   PhotoWishlist
Euro-35 Elysees c1990s   PhotoCollection
Euro-35 Legend c1990s   PhotoCollection
Expedition c1983   PhotoRarity index
Falcon 1897-1898  
Falcon Improved Model No.2 1899  
Falcon No.2 1897-1899   PhotoCollection
Fiesta Instant 1979-1982   PhotoCommentsCollection
Film Pack Hawk-Eye (Drink First Aid) 1925  
Film Pack Hawk-Eye No.2 1922-1925   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Film Pack Hawk-Eye No.2A 1923-1925   Collection
Film Premo No.1 1906-1916   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Film Premo No.3 1906-1910  
Filmplate Premo No.2A 1907  
Filmplate Premo No.3A 1906-1916   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Filmplate Premo No.5 1907  
Filmplate Premo Special 1912-1916   PhotoCollection
Fingerprint camera c1917-1929   Photo
Fisher-Price 1984   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Flash Bantam 1947-1953   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Flat Folding Kodak 1894-1895  
Flexo Kodak No. 2 1899-1913   PhotoCollection
Fling 1988-2000s   PhotoCollectionWishlist
Fling 35 1988-2000s   Photo
Flush Back No.3 1908-1915  
Folding Autographic Brownie No.2 1915-1926   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollectionfor_sale
Folding Autographic Brownie No.2A 1915-1926   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Folding Autographic Brownie No.2C 1916-1926   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Folding Autographic Brownie No.3A 1916-1926   PhotoCommentsCollection
Folding Brownie No.2 1904-1907   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Folding Brownie No.2A 1904-1907   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Folding Brownie No.3 1905-1915   PhotoManualCollection
Folding Brownie No.3 Model A 1905-1915   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Folding Brownie No.3 Model B 1905-1915   PhotoManualCollection
Folding Brownie No.3 Model C 1905-1915   PhotoCollection
Folding Brownie No.3 Model D 1905-1915   PhotoCollection
Folding Brownie No.3A 1904-1907   PhotoCollection
Folding Brownie No.3A (red bellows) 1904-1907   PhotoManualCollection
Folding Brownie Pocket No.2 1907-1915   PhotoCollection
Folding Brownie Pocket No.2 Model A 1907-1915   Collection
Folding Brownie Pocket No.2 Model B 1907-1915   PhotoCollection
Folding Brownie Pocket No.2A 1910-1915   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Folding Brownie Pocket No.2A Model A 1910-1915   PhotoManualCollection
Folding Bull's Eye No.2 1899-1901   Photo
Folding Cartridge Hawk-Eye No.2 1926-1933   ManualCollection
Folding Cartridge Hawk-Eye No.2 Model B 1926-1933   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Folding Cartridge Hawk-Eye No.2 Model B (colored) 1926-1933   Manual
Folding Cartridge Hawk-Eye No.2 Model C 1926-1933   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Folding Cartridge Hawk-Eye No.2A 1926-1934   PhotoManualCollection
Folding Cartridge Hawk-Eye No.2A Model B 1926-1934   PhotoCommentsManualCollectionfor_sale
Folding Cartridge Hawk-Eye No.2A Model C 1926-1934   Manual
Folding Cartridge Hawk-Eye No.3A 1926-1935  
Folding Cartridge Premo No.2 1916-1926   PhotoCollection
Folding Cartridge Premo No.2A 1916-1926   PhotoManualCollection
Folding Cartridge Premo No.2C 1917-1923   Photo
Folding Cartridge Premo No.3A 1917-1923  
Folding Film Pack Hawk-Eye No.2 1923   PhotoCollection
Folding Hawk-Eye No.1A 1908-1915  
Folding Hawk-Eye No.2 1929-1933   Collection
Folding Hawk-Eye No.3 1904-1915   Collection
Folding Hawk-Eye No.3 Model 3 1904-1915   Collection
Folding Hawk-Eye No.3A 1908-1915   Collection
Folding Hawk-Eye No.4 1904-1913  
Folding Hawk-Eye Special No.2 1929-1933   Collection
Folding Hawk-Eye Special No.2A 1929-1933   Collection
Folding Hawk-Eye Special No.3 1929-1934  
Folding Hawk-Eye Special No.3A 1929-1933   Collection
Folding Improved No.4 1893-1897   Photo
Folding Improved No.5 1893-1897   PhotoCollection
Folding Improved No.5 Stereo 1893-1897  
Folding Improved No.6 1893-1895   Rarity index
Folding Kodet Junior No.4 1894-1897  
Folding Kodet No.3 1894-1896   Photo
Folding Kodet No.4 1894-1897  
Folding Kodet No.5 1895-1897  
Folding Kodet Special No.4 1895-1897  
Folding Kodet Special No.5 1895-1897  
Folding No.4 1890-1892   Photo
Folding No.4A 1906-1915   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Folding No.5 1890-1897   Photochart
Folding No.5 Stereo 1890-1897  
Folding Pocket 1897-1905   Collection
Folding Pocket No.0 1902-1906   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Folding Pocket No.1 1899-1915   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Folding Pocket No.1 Mod C 1905-1915   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.1 Original 1897-1898   Rarity indexComments
Folding Pocket No.1 Transitional 1897-1898   Rarity index
Folding Pocket No.1A 1899-1915   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Folding Pocket No.1A Mod C 1905-1907   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.1A Mod D 1912-1915   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Folding Pocket No.1A Special 1908-1912   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.2 1899-1915   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Folding Pocket No.2A 1899-1905   Collection
Folding Pocket No.3 1900-1915   PhotoManualCollection
Folding Pocket No.3 Deluxe 1901-1903   Rarity indexCollection
Folding Pocket No.3 Mod A 1900-1903   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.3 Mod B 1900-1903   Collection
Folding Pocket No.3 Mod C 1900-1903   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.3 Mod C3 1900-1903   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.3 Mod C4 c1907-1915   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.3 Mod C5 1900-1903   Photo
Folding Pocket No.3 Mod D 1903   Collection
Folding Pocket No.3 Mod E2 c1905   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.3 Mod E4 1908-1909   Collection
Folding Pocket No.3 Mod H 1910-1915   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.3A 1903-1915   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.3A Mod A 1903-1915   Collection
Folding Pocket No.3A Mod B 1903-1915   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Folding Pocket No.3A Mod B2 1903-1915   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Folding Pocket No.3A Mod B3 1903-1915   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Folding Pocket No.3A Mod B4 1903-1915   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.3A Mod B5 1909-1912   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.3A Mod C 1903-1915   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.4 1907-1915   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.4 Mod A 1907-1915   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Folding Pocket No.4 Mod B 1907-1915   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket No.4A 1907-1912   PhotoCollection
Folding Pocket Special No.1A 1926-1934   Collection
Folding Pocket Special No.3A 1926-1933  
Folding Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2 1930-1934   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Folding Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2 Model B 1930-1934   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Folding Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2 Model C 1930-1934   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Folding Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2A 1930-1933   Collection
Folding Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2A Model B 1930-1933   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Folding Rainbow Hawk-Eye Special No.2 1930-1933   Collection
Folding Rainbow Hawk-Eye Special No.2A 1930-1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Folding Six-20 Brownie Model I 1937-1940   Rarity indexCollection
Folding Six-20 Brownie Model II c1948   PhotoRarity indexCollection
FunSaver 1998   Photo
FunSaver 35 1998  
FunSaver Advantix 1996   PhotoCollection
FunSaver Pocket 1998   PhotoCollection
FunSaver Weekend 35 (waterproof) 1999   Photo
Galactic (kit) c1980s   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Genesee Outfit 1886   Rarity index
George Washington Bicentennial 1932   Comments
Gift No.1A 1930-1931   PhotochartRarity indexCollection
Gimini c1988   Photo
Girl Guide 1929-1934   Rarity indexCommentsCollection
Girl Scout 1929-1934   Rarity indexCommentsCollection
Graffiti c1988   Photo
Handle 1977-1979   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Handle 2 1979-1981   PhotoCommentsCollection
Happy Times Instant 1978-1979   PhotoCollection
Hawk-Eye 1936   PhotoManualCollection
Hawk-Eye (export) 1936   Photo
Hawk-Eye Ace 1936   PhotoCollection
Hawk-Eye Ace Deluxe 1938   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Hawk-Eye Flashfun 1961-1967   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Hawk-Eye Flashfun II 1965-1969   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Hawk-Eye Instamatic A1 1969-1967   Collection
Hawk-Eye Instamatic F 1964-1968   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Hawk-Eye Instamatic I 1963-1967   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Hawk-Eye Instamatic II 1969-1975   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Hawk-Eye Instamatic R4 1965-1971   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Hawk-Eye Instamatic X 1971-1978   PhotoCollection
Hawk-Eye No.2 1913   PhotoCollection
Hawk-Eye No.2 Model B 1927-1930   PhotoCollection
Hawk-Eye No.2 Model BB 1927-1930   PhotoCollection
Hawk-Eye No.2 Model C 1926-1934   PhotoCollection
Hawk-Eye No.2 Model C (Anniversary Edition) 1930   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Hawk-Eye No.2 Model CC 1927-1930   PhotoCollection
Hawk-Eye No.2A 1913   Collection
Hawk-Eye Special No.2 1928-1930   Collection
Hawk-Eye Special No.2A 1928-1930   PhotoCollection
Hawk-Eye Tele-Instamatic 1976-1979  
Hawkette No.2 1930   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Hawkette No.2 Model B 1930  
Hawkette No.2 Model C 1930  
Hawkeye Instamatic 1967-1970   Photo
Hawkeye Instamatic Model B 1969-1975   Photo
Hawkeye Pocket Instamatic 1973-1979   PhotoCollection
Hawkeye Pocket Instamatic III 1974-1979   Collection
Home Portrait No.3 1915-1929   Photo
Instagraphic 1979   Photo
Instamatic 100 1963-1966   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Instamatic 101 1974   Photo
Instamatic 104 1965-1968   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Instamatic 11 1966-1972   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Instamatic 124 1968-1971   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic 130 1976   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 132 c1970s   PhotoWishlist
Instamatic 133 1968   PhotoCommentsCollection
Instamatic 133-X 1970-1971   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic 134 1968-1971   PhotoCommentsCollection
Instamatic 150 1964-1966   Collection
Instamatic 154 1965-1969   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Instamatic 154X 1965-1969   PhotoWishlist
Instamatic 155X 1971-1976   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Instamatic 174 1968-1971   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 177X 1977-1984   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Instamatic 192 1971   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 200 1972-1975   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 22 c1970s   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 220 1965-1968   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 224 1965-1968   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 230 1976   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 233 1968-1970   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic 233-X 1970   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 25 1966-1972   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Instamatic 250 1965-1967   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 255X 1971-1976   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic 26 1968-1972   PhotoCollectionWishlistfor_sale
Instamatic 27 c1970s   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 277X 1977   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic 28 1972   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 300 1963-1966   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic 304 1965-1969   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic 314 1968-1971   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Instamatic 32 1972-1973   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 324 1966-1969   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 33 1968-1973   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic 333 1970   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 333-X 1970   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 355X 1970   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 36 1973-1974   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic 400 1963-1966   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 404 1965-1969   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 414 1968-1971   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 44 1969-1973   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic 50 1963-1965   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic 500 1964-1966   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic 54X c1960s   PhotoWishlist
Instamatic 55X c1971   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 56X 1972-1976   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 66X 1973   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 700 1963-1966   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 704 1965-1969   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 714 1968-1970   Collection
Instamatic 76X 1977   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 77X 1977   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Instamatic 800 1964-1966   PhotoCollection
Instamatic 804 1965-1970   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic 814 1968-1970   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Instamatic 91 1974   Photo
Instamatic 92 1974-1976   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic 97-X c1960s   PhotoCommentsWishlist
Instamatic M12 1967   Photo
Instamatic M14 1967-1969   PhotoCollection
Instamatic M2 1965   PhotoCollection
Instamatic M24 1969-1975   PhotoCollection
Instamatic M4 1965-1967   PhotoCollection
Instamatic Reflex (062) black 1968-1974   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Instamatic Reflex (062) chrome 1968-1974   PhotoRarity indexManualCollectionWishlist
Instamatic Reflex (062) cut-away 1968   Photo
Instamatic S-10 1967-1970   PhotoCommentsCollection
Instamatic S-20 1967-1971   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic X-14 1970   Collection
Instamatic X-15 1970-1976   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Instamatic X-15F 1970-1976   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic X-25 1970-1974   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic X-30 1971-1974   PhotoCollection
Instamatic X-30 Olympic 1972   PhotoCollection
Instamatic X-35 1970-1976   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic X-35F 1976-1981   PhotoCollection
Instamatic X-45 1970-1974   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Instamatic X-90 1970-1973   PhotoCommentsCollection
Jiffy Kodak Six-16 1933-1937   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Jiffy Kodak Six-16 Series II 1937-1942   PhotoManualCollection
Jiffy Kodak Six-20 1933-1937   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Jiffy Kodak Six-20 Series II 1937-1948   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Jiffy Kodak Vest Pocket 1935-1942   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Junior Six 16 1935-1937   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Junior Six-16 Series III 1938-1939   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Junior Six-16 Series ll 1937-1940   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Junior Six-20 1935-1937   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Junior Six-20 Series II 1937-1940   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Junior Six-20 Series III 1938-1939   ManualCollection
Kodak 235 (Sata Jet) 1990   Photo
Kodak 335 c1990   PhotoRarity index
Kodak 35 1938-1948   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollectionWishlist
Kodak 35 (US Army Signal Corps PH-324) 1941-1943   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak 35 AF 1 1986   PhotoRarity index
Kodak 35 AF 2 1986   PhotoRarity index
Kodak 35 EF 1986   Photo
Kodak 35 MD 1986   PhotoCollection
Kodak 4.5 Model 37 c1954-1956   PhotoCollection
Kodak 4.5 Modéle 32 c1950s   PhotoCollection
Kodak 4.5 Modéle B31 c1955   PhotoCollection
Kodak 635 1990   PhotoCollection
Kodak 66 Model (prototype) c1950   Photo
Kodak 66 Model II 1958-1960   PhotoManualCollection
Kodak 66 Model III 1958-1960   PhotoCollection
Kodak 735 c1991-1994   Photo
Kodak 835AF 1990   PhotoCollection
Kodak A Model II 1953-1956   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak B Model II 1953-1956   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak Black & White  c2005   Photo
Kodak Camera (Original) c1888-1889   PhotochartRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Kodak Camera (Replica) 1988   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak Fun Aquatic 1990s   Rarity indexCollection
Kodak Fun Classic 1995   PhotoCollection
Kodak Fun Classic Efteling 2001   Photo
Kodak Fun Flash 1997   Photo
Kodak Fun Flash (2001) 2001   Photo
Kodak Fun Gold 1990s   Photo
Kodak Fun Gold 2 (I-touch) 1998   PhotoCollection
Kodak Fun Mini 1995   Photo
Kodak Fun Panoramic c1996   Photo
Kodak Fun Sport 1997   Photo
Kodak HD 2005   PhotoCollection
Kodak HD Max Flash 2005   Photo
Kodak HD Power Flash 2005   Photo
Kodak HQ (Maximum Versatility) 2000   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak Junior 0 1938-1939   Collection
Kodak Junior 616 1934-1937   Collection
Kodak Junior 620 (144) 1933-1939   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak Junior I 1954-1959   PhotoCollection
Kodak Junior II 1954-1959   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak Junior No.1 1914   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak Junior No.1A 1914   PhotoManualCollection
Kodak KB 10 1997   PhotoCommentsCollection
Kodak KB 12 c1999   Photo
Kodak KB 18 2000   PhotoCollection
Kodak KB 20 c1999   Collection
Kodak KB 22 c2001   PhotoCollection
Kodak KB 28 1999   PhotoCollection
Kodak KB 30 c2000  
Kodak KB 32 1999   PhotoCollection
Kodak KB Zoom c2003   PhotoCollection
Kodak Kodamatic 920 1982   Photo
Kodak Kodamatic 930 1983-1984   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak Kodamatic 940 1983-1984   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak Kodamatic 950 1984   PhotoCollection
Kodak Kodamatic 960 1982   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Kodak Kodamatic 970L 1982-1984   PhotoCollection
Kodak Kodamatic 980L 1982-1984   PhotoCollection
Kodak KV270 c2000   Photo
Kodak Master 4x5 c1948   Collection
Kodak Master 8x10 c1948   Photo
Kodak Max Flash 2000   Photo
Kodak Max HQ 2000   Photo
Kodak Max Outdoor 2000   Photo
Kodak Max Panoramic 2000   Photo
Kodak Max Sport 2000   Photo
Kodak Max Water & Sport 2000   Photo
Kodak Max Waterproof 2000   Photo
Kodak Max Wedding (pack) 2000  
Kodak No.1 1889-1895   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak No.1 Series III 1926-1931   Collection
Kodak No.1A Series III 1924-1931   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Kodak No.1A Six-Three 1913-1915  
Kodak No.1A Special 1912-1914  
Kodak No.1A Speed 1909-1913   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak No.2 1889-1897   PhotochartRarity indexCollection
Kodak No.2C Junior 1924-1932   PhotoCollection
Kodak No.2C Series III 1924-1932   Collection
Kodak No.3 1890-1897   PhotoManual
Kodak No.3 Junior 1890-1897   Photo
Kodak No.3 Series C 1901-1904   Photo
Kodak No.3 Series III 1936-1941   Manual
Kodak No.3 Six-Three Kodak 1913-1915  
Kodak No.3 Special 1911-1914   PhotoCollection
Kodak No.3A Series II 1936-1941   PhotoCollection
Kodak No.3A Series III 1941-1943   Photo
Kodak No.3A Six-Three Kodak 1913-1915  
Kodak No.3A Special Model A 1910-1914   Photo
Kodak No.4 1890-1897   PhotoRarity index
Kodak No.4 Junior 1890-1897   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak No.4A Speed 1908-1913   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak Six 16 1932-1934   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak Six 20 1932-1934   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak Six-16 Improved 1934-1936   Collection
Kodak Six-20 Improved 1934-1937   Rarity indexCollection
Kodak Special Six 16 1937-1939   Collection
Kodak Special Six 20 1937-1939   PhotoCollection
Kodak Ultra 2002   Photo
Kodak Ultra 2 Format c2004   Photo
Kodak Ultra Compact c2004   Photo
Kodak Ultra Super Flash 2003   Photo
Kodak XL 33 1971   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Kodak XL 55 1972-1974   PhotoCollection
Lion King (special edition) c1994   PhotoComments
LS443 2002   Digital
LS743 2004   PhotoDigitalCollection
LS753 2004   PhotoDigitalCollection
Matchbox Camera 1944-1945   PhotochartRarity indexCommentsCollection
mc3 2001   Digital
Medalist I 1941-1948   PhotoRarity indexManualCollectionWishlist
Medalist II 1946-1953   PhotochartRarity indexManualCollectionWishlist
Megaplus 1.4 1992   PhotoDigital
Mickey-Matic 1988   PhotoCommentsCollection
Mini-Instamatic S 30 1976   PhotoCollection
Mini-Instamatic S 40 1976   PhotoCollection
Monitor Six-16 1939-1948   PhotoCommentsManualCollection
Monitor Six-20 1939-1948   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Motormatic 35 1960-1962   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Motormatic 35 F 1962-1967   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Motormatic 35 R4 1965-1969   PhotoManualCollection
New York c1972   Photo
Ordinary Kodak A 1891-1895   Photo
Ordinary Kodak B 1891-1895   Photo
Ordinary Kodak C 1891-1895   PhotoCollection
Panoram Kodak No.1 1900-1926   PhotochartCollectionWishlist
Panoram Kodak No.1 Model B 1900-1926  
Panoram Kodak No.1 Model C 1900-1926   Photo
Panoram Kodak No.1 Model D 1900-1926   PhotoCollection
Panoram Kodak No.3A 1926-1928   PhotoCollection
Panoram Kodak No.4 1899-1900   PhotoCollection
Panoram Kodak No.4 Model B 1900-1924   Photochart
Panoram Kodak No.4 Model C 1900-1924   Photo
Panoram Kodak No.4 Model D 1900-1924   PhotochartCollection
Party Star 1983-1984   PhotoCommentsCollection
Party Star Trimprint 1984-1986   Collection
Partyflash 1981-1982   Collection
Partyflash II Kodamatic Instant 1982-1986   Collection
Partytime 1980-1982   PhotoCommentsCollection
Partytime 2 1982-1984   PhotoCommentsCollection
Pazzazz 1988-1994   Rarity indexCollection
Peer 100 1974  
Petite 1929-1933   PhotochartRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Petite (Vanity set) 1929-1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Petite 'Diamond Door' 1929-1933   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Petite 'Lightning Bolt' 1929-1933   PhotoRarity indexWishlist
Petite 'Step Pattern' 1929-1933   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Photo FX 1993   Photo
Pin-Hole Camera c1920s-1930s   Rarity indexComments
Pleaser 1977-1982   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Pleaser II Kodamatic 1982-1985   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Pleaser Trimprint 1984-1986   Collection
Pliant Model B ll 1950-1955  
Plico No.2 1899-1913   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Pocket A-1 1970-1980   PhotoCollection
Pocket B-1 1970-1980   Photo
Pocket Instamatic 10 1972   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Pocket Instamatic 100 1972-1975   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Pocket Instamatic 101 1974   Photo
Pocket Instamatic 20 1972-1976   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Pocket Instamatic 200 1972-1975   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Pocket Instamatic 30 1972-1975   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Pocket Instamatic 300 1972-1975   PhotoCommentsCollection
Pocket Instamatic 40 1972-1975   PhotoCollection
Pocket Instamatic 400 1972   PhotoCollection
Pocket Instamatic 50 1972-1976   Rarity indexCollection
Pocket Instamatic 500 1972   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Pocket Instamatic 60 1972-1976   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Pocket Junior No.1 1929-1932   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Pocket Junior No.1 (colored) 1929-1932   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Pocket Junior No.1 Model B 1929-1932  
Pocket Junior No.1 Model B (colored) 1929-1932   PhotoCollection
Pocket Junior No.1A 1929-1932   PhotoManualCollection
Pocket Junior No.1A (colored) 1929-1932   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Pocket Junior No.1A Model II 1929-1932  
Pocket Junior No.1A Model II (colored) 1929-1932  
Pocket Junior No.2C c1929-1932   PhotoCollection
Pocket Kodak Box 1895-1900   PhotochartRarity indexCollection
Pocket Model D 1900-1901   Photo
Pocket No.1 1926-1932   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Pocket No.1 (colored) 1926-1932  
Pocket No.1 Model A 1926-1932   PhotoCollection
Pocket No.1 Model A (colored) 1926-1932   Photo
Pocket No.1 Series II 1926-1932   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Pocket No.1 Series III 1926-1932   Photo
Pocket No.1A 1926-1932   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Pocket No.1A (colored) 1926-1932   PhotoCollection
Pocket No.1A Model II 1926-1932   PhotoCollection
Pocket No.1A Series II 1923-1931   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Pocket No.1A Series II (colored) 1929-1932  
Pocket No.2C 1926-1932   PhotoManualCollection
Pocket No.3A 1927-1934   PhotoManualCollection
Pocket Premo C 1904-1916   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Pocket Special No.1 1926-1934   ManualCollection
Pocket Special No.1A 1926-1934   Manual
Pocket Special No.2C 1928-1933   Comments
Pocket Special No.3 1926-1933  
Pony 135 1950-1954   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Pony 135 (Made in France) 1956   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Pony 135 (Model B) 1953-1955   PhotoCollection
Pony 135 (Model C) 1955-1958   PhotoCollection
Pony 828 1949-1959   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Pony Flash c1950-1956   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Pony II 1957-1962   PhotoCommentsManualCollection
Pony IV 1957-1961   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Pony Microscope Camera 1950-1958   Wishlist
Pony Premo No.1 1904-1912   Photo
Pony Premo No.2 1898-1912   PhotoCollection
Pony Premo No.3 1898-1912   ManualCollection
Pony Premo No.4 1898-1912   PhotoManualCollection
Pony Premo No.6 1900-1912   PhotoManual
Pony Premo No.6 (stereo) 1899-1912   Photo
Pony Premo No.7 1902-1912   PhotoManual
Popular Brownie 1937-1938   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Popular Portrait Brownie 1939-1943   PhotoCollection
Porsche c1980s   PhotoWishlist
Portrait Brownie No.2 1929-1934   PhotoRarity indexCollectionfor_sale
Portrait Hawk-Eye A Star A 1933   PhotoCollection
Portrait Hawk-Eye No.2 1930   PhotoCollection
Portrait Hawk-Eye No.2 Model C.C. 1930   PhotoCollection
Portrait Hawk-Eye Star 1933   PhotoCollection
Premo Box Film 1903-1908   PhotoCollection
Premo Folding No.12 1916-1926   Photo
Premo Folding No.3 1913-1919   Photo
Premo Folding No.8 1913-1922   Photo
Premo Folding No.9 1913-1923   Photo
Premo Junior No.0 1911-1916   Collection
Premo Junior No.1 1908-1922   PhotoCollection
Premo Junior No.1 Model B 1908-1922   PhotoManualCollection
Premo Junior No.1A 1909-1921   Collection
Premo Junior No.3 1909-1919   Rarity indexCollection
Premo Junior No.4 1909-1919   Collection
Premoette 1905-1908   PhotoCollection
Premoette Junior 1911-1912   PhotoManualCollectionWishlist
Premoette Junior No.1 1913-1923   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Premoette Junior No.1A 1913-1918   Collection
Premoette Junior Special No.1 1913-1919   Photo
Premoette Junior Special No.1A 1913-1919  
Premoette No.1 1909-1912   Rarity indexCollection
Premoette No.1A 1909-1912   Photo
Premoette Senior 1915-1923   PhotoManualCollection
Premoette Special No.1 1909-1911   Photo
Premoette Special No.1A 1909-1911  
Premograph 1907-1908   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Premograph No.2 1908-1909   Photo
Pupille 1932-1935   PhotoCollection
Pupille (TLR) 1932-1935   PhotoWishlist
Pupille Luxus 1932-1935  
Quick Focus No.3B 1905-1911   PhotoRarity indexCollection
R.B. Cycle Graphic Cirkut No.6 c1920s   PhotoCollection
Radiograph Copying 1950-1954   PhotoCommentsCollection
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2 1929-1933   Collection
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2 (50th anniversary) c1929   PhotoCommentsCollection
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2 (colored) 1929-1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2 Mod A 1929-1933   Collection
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2 Mod A (colored) 1929-1933   Photo
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2 Mod B 1929-1933   PhotoCollection
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2 Mod B (colored) 1929-1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2 Mod C 1930-1933   PhotoCommentsCollection
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2 Mod C (colored) 1930-1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2A 1931-1932  
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2A (Tim's Official Camera) 1931-1932   Photo
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2A Model B 1931-1932   Photo
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2A Model B (colored) 1931-1932   PhotoCollection
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2A Model C 1931-1932   PhotoCollection
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2A Model C (colored) 1931-1932   Collection
Rainbow Hawk-Eye No.2A Model B (The Fox Co.) 1931-1932   Collection
Ranca 46 1932  
Recomar 18 1932-1940   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Recomar 33 1932-1940   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Reflex 1946-1949   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Reflex IA c1950   PhotoCollection
Reflex II 1948-1954   PhotoManualCollection
Regent I 1935-1939   PhotoCollection
Regent II 1939   PhotoComments
Retina (prototype) 1934   PhotoWishlist
Retina Automatic I (Type 038) 1960-1963   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Retina Automatic II (Type 032) 1960-1963   PhotoCollection
Retina Automatic III (Type 039) 1961-1963   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Retina I (010) 1945-1949   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Retina I (013) 1949-1950   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retina I (016) 1951-1954   Photo
Retina I (117) 1934-1935   PhotochartRarity indexCollection
Retina I (118) 1935-1936   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retina I (119) 1936-1938   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Retina I (126) 1936-1937   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retina I (141) 1937-1939   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Retina I (143) 1938-1939   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retina I (148) 1939-1941   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retina I (149) 1939-1940   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retina I (167) 1941   Photo
Retina Ia (015) 1951-1954   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retina Ib (018) 1954-1957   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Retina IB (019 I) 1957-1958   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retina IB (019 II) 1958-1960   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retina IBS (040) 1962-1963   PhotoCollection
Retina IF (046) 1963-1964   PhotoCommentsCollection
Retina II (011) 1946-1949   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Retina II (014) 1949-1950   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retina II (122) 1936-1937   Photo
Retina II (142) 1937-1939   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retina II (150) 1939-1941   Photo
Retina IIa (016) 1951-1954   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Retina IIa (150) 1939-1941   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retina IIc (020) 1954-1957   PhotochartRarity indexCollection
Retina IIc (029) 1957-1958   PhotoManualCollection
Retina IIf (047) 1963-1964   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Retina IIIc (021 I) 1954-1957   PhotochartRarity indexManualCollectionWishlist
Retina IIIc (021 II) 1957   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retina IIIc (028, stereo) 1957-1960   Photo
Retina IIIc (028) 1957-1960   PhotochartRarity indexCollectionfor_sale
Retina IIIc (028/N) 1977   PhotoRarity indexComments
Retina IIIs (027) 1958-1960   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Retina IIs (024) 1959-1960   PhotoCollection
Retina Reflex (025) 1957-1958   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Retina Reflex III (041) 1961-1964   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Retina Reflex IV (051) 1964-1966   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Retina Reflex IV (051/N) 1977  
Retina Reflex S (034) 1959-1960   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Retina S1 (060) 1966-1969   PhotoManualCollection
Retina S2 (061) 1966-1969   PhotoManualCollection
Retinette (012) 1949-1951   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retinette (017) 1952-1954   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Retinette (022) 1954-1958   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retinette (147) 1939-1940   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Retinette F (022/7) 1955-1958   PhotoCollection
Retinette I (030) 1958-1959   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retinette I (030/7) 1958-1959   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retinette IA (035) 1959-1961   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Retinette IA (035/7) 1959-1960   Collection
Retinette IA (042) 1961-1963   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retinette IA (044) 1963-1967   PhotoManualCollection
Retinette IB (037) 1960-1963   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retinette IB (045) 1963-1966   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retinette II (026) 1958-1959   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retinette II (160) 1939-1941   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Retinette IIa (036) 1959-1960   PhotoCollection
Retinette IIB (031) 1958-1959   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Rio-400 1965   PhotoCollection
S 100 EF Kodak 1988-1993   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
S 300 MD Kodak 1988-1993   PhotoRarity indexCollection
S 400 SL Kodak 1989-1991   PhotoCollection
S 500 AF Kodak 1989-1991   Photo
S 900 Tele Kodak 1988-1993   PhotoCollection
S1100 XL-Kodak 1989-1993   PhotoCollection
S500AF 1988-1989   Photo
Screen Focus No.4 1904-1910   PhotoCollection
Signet 30 1957-1959   PhotoManualCollection
Signet 35 1951-1958   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollectionWishlist
Signet 35 Signal Corps (KE-7) 1951-1958   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Signet 40 1956-1959   PhotoRarity indexManualCollectionWishlist
Signet 50 1957-1960   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Signet 80 1958-1962   PhotoRarity indexManualCollectionWishlist
Signet Flash 35 1983   Photo
Six-16 (UK) (black) 1934-1939   PhotoCollection
Six-16 (UK) (brown) 1934-1939   PhotoCollection
Six-16 (US) 1932-1934   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Six-16 Brownie (US) 1933-1941   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Six-16 Brownie Junior (Canadian) 1934-1942   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Six-16 Brownie Junior (US) 1934-1942   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Six-16 Brownie Junior (US) (export) 1934-1942   PhotoCollection
Six-16 Brownie Special 1938-1942   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Six-16 Folding Hawk-Eye 1933-1934   Collection
Six-16 Improved 1934-1936   PhotoManual
Six-16 Senior 1937-1939   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Six-16 Target Hawk-Eye 1932   PhotoCommentsCollection
Six-16 Target Hawk-Eye (colored) 1932   PhotoComments
Six-20 1932-1934   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Six-20 Boy Scout Brownie 1933-1934   PhotoCollection
Six-20 Brownie (UK) 1934-1937   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Six-20 Brownie (US) 1933-1941   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Six-20 Brownie Junior (Canadian) 1934-1942   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Six-20 Brownie Junior (UK) 1934-1938   PhotoCollection
Six-20 Brownie Junior (US) 1934-1942   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Six-20 Brownie Junior (US) (export) 1933-1937   PhotoCollection
Six-20 Brownie Junior Model 113 1933-1936  
Six-20 Brownie Junior Portrait 1939-1943   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Six-20 Brownie Junior Super 1935-1940   PhotoCollection
Six-20 Brownie Minor 1935   Photo
Six-20 Brownie Model 4 1935-1940   Collection
Six-20 Brownie Model B 1937-1941   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Six-20 Brownie Model C 1946-1953   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Six-20 Brownie Model D 1946-1953   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Six-20 Brownie Model D (export) 1946-1953   PhotoCollection
Six-20 Brownie Model E 1946-1953   PhotoCollection
Six-20 Brownie Senior 1939-1940   PhotoCollection
Six-20 Brownie Special 1938-1942   PhotoManualCollection
Six-20 Bull's-Eye 1938-1941   PhotoCollectionWishlist
Six-20 Bull's-Eye Brownie 1938-1941   Collection
Six-20 Flash Brownie 1940-1954   Collection
Six-20 Hawk-Eye (UK) 1938   PhotoCollection
Six-20 Hawk-Eye Junior (UK) 1932   PhotoManual
Six-20 Hawk-Eye Major (UK) 1935   PhotoCollection
Six-20 Hawk-Eye Special 1932   PhotoCollection
Six-20 Improved 1934-1937   Photo
Six-20 Junior 1933-1940   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Six-20 Model A 1951-1955   Rarity indexCollection
Six-20 Model B 1937-1940   PhotoCollection
Six-20 Model C c1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Six-20 Popular Brownie 1937-1943   PhotoCollection
Six-20 Portrait Brownie 1936-1940   PhotoCollectionfor_sale
Six-20 Portrait Brownie (London) 1939-1943   Collectionfor_sale
Six-20 Senior 1937-1939   PhotoCommentsCollection
Six-20 Target Hawk-Eye 1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Six-20 Target Hawk-Eye (blue) 1933   Rarity indexCollection
Six-Three No.1A 1913-1915  
Six-Three No.3 1913-1915   Collection
Six-Three No.3A 1913-1915  
Specialist 2 1954-1960s   Photo
Specialist 3 c1950s   Photo
Star 1985-1990s   PhotoCollection
Star 1000 1997   Photo
Star 1035z 1993-1995   PhotoCollection
Star 1075z 1993-1995   Photo
Star 110 c1993   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Star 235 c1992   PhotoCollection
Star 275 1993-1995   PhotoCollection
Star 300 MD 1990s   PhotoCollection
Star 435 c1990-1994   PhotoCommentsCollection
Star 535 1992-1995   PhotoCommentsCollection
Star 575 1993-1995   PhotoCollection
Star 735 c1991-1994   PhotoCollection
Star 875 c1991   Photo
Star 935 c1991-1993   PhotoCollection
Star AF c1995   PhotoCollection
Star Auto Focus c1990s   Photo
Star EF 1995   PhotoCollection
Star Focus Free c1995-1997   PhotoCollection
Star Motor c1993   PhotoCollection
Star Motordrive 1995   Photo
Star Premo 1903-1908  
Star Zoom 105 1996   Photo
Star Zoom 70 1996   Photo
Startech 1959   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Stereo Brownie No.2 1905-1910   PhotochartRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Stereo Brownie No.2A 1905-1910  
Stereo-Hawk-Eye No.1 1907-1911   Photo
Stereo-Hawk-Eye No.3 1907-1911   Photo
Stereo-Hawk-Eye No.4 1908-1916   PhotoCollection
Stereo-Hawk-Eye No.5 1912-1913  
Stereo-Hawk-Eye No.6 1912-1913   Photo
Stereo-Kodak 35 (black) 1954-1959   PhotoManualCollection
Stereo-Kodak 35 (brown) 1954-1959   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Stereo-Kodak Model 1 1917-1925   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Stereo-Kodak No.2 1901-1905   PhotoCollection
Sterling II 1955-1960   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Stretch 35 1989   Photo
Stylelite Pocket 1979   PhotoCollection
Stylelite Tele-Pocket 1980-1982   PhotoCollection
Super Six-20 1938-1944   PhotochartRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Suprema 1938-1939   PhotochartRarity indexCollection
Target Hawk-Eye Junior No.2 1932-1933   PhotoCollection
Target Hawk-Eye Junior No.2 (colored) 1932-1933   Photo
Target Hawk-Eye Junior No.2A 1932-1933  
Target Hawk-Eye Junior No.2A (colored) 1932-1933   Collection
Target Hawk-Eye No. 2 1932-1933  
Target Hawk-Eye No.2 (colored) 1932-1933  
Target Hawk-Eye No.2A 1932-1933   PhotoCollection
Tele Disc (Medalist) 1985-1990   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Tele-Ektra 1 1978-1981   PhotoCollection
Tele-Ektra 2 1978-1980   Collection
Tele-Ektra 300 1980-1982   Collection
Tele-Ektra 32 1978-1980   PhotoCollection
Tele-Ektra 350 1980-1983   PhotoCollection
Tele-Ektra 42 1978-1980   PhotoCollection
Tele-Ektralite 20 1979-1981   PhotoCommentsCollection
Tele-Ektralite 40 1979   Collection
Tele-Ektralite 600 1979   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Tele-Instamatic 330 1975-1978   PhotoCollection
Tele-Instamatic 430 1975-1978   PhotoCollection
Tele-Instamatic 530 1976   Collection
Tele-Instamatic 608 1975-1979   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Tele-Instamatic 708 1976-1979  
Tourist (Anastar) 1948-1951   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Tourist (Anastigmat) 1948-1951   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Tourist (Anaston) 1948-1951   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Tourist II 1951-1958   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Trimlite Instamatic 18 1975-1979   PhotoCommentsCollection
Trimlite Instamatic 28 1975-1979   PhotoCollection
Trimlite Instamatic 38 1975-1979   PhotoCollection
Trimlite Instamatic 48 1975-1979   PhotoCollection
Trimprint 920 1984-1986   PhotoCollection
Trimprint 940 1984-1986   PhotoCollection
Turret K100 1960   PhotoCollection
Vanity Kodak 1928-1933   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Vest Pocket Autographic 1915-1926   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Vest Pocket Autographic B 1925-1934   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Vest Pocket Autographic Special 1915-1926   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Vest Pocket Hawk-Eye 1927-1934   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Vest Pocket Model A 1912-1914   PhotoRarity indexCollectionfor_sale
Vest Pocket Model B 1912-1914   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Vest Pocket Rainbow Hawk-Eye 1930   Collection
Vest Pocket Rainbow Hawk-Eye (colored) 1930   PhotoCollection
Vest Pocket Series III 1926-1933   PhotoCollection
Vest Pocket Series III (Vanity) 1926-1933   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Vest Pocket Special 1912-1935   PhotoCollection
Vest Pocket Special Luxus 1926-1935   Rarity indexCommentsCollection
View Camera 1910  
View Camera 2D 1921-1950   PhotoCollection
View Camera Model B c1900s   Photo
View Camera No.2 1910   PhotoCollection
Vigilant Junior Six-16 1940-1948   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Vigilant Junior Six-20 1940-1949   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Vigilant Six-16 1939-1948   PhotoCommentsCollection
Vigilant Six-20 1939-1949   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionfor_sale
Vollenda 620 (Type 107) (6x9cm) 1934-1939   PhotoManualCollection
Vollenda 620 (Type 109) 1940-1941  
Vollenda 620 (Type 110) (6x9cm) 1934-1939   PhotoCollection
Vollenda 620 (Type 128) 1940-1941  
Vollenda 620 (Type 153) 1940-1941  
Vollenda 620 (Type 567) 1940-1941  
Vollenda 620 (Type 568) 1940-1941  
Vollenda 620 (Type 569) 1940-1941  
Vollenda 620 (Type 570) 1940-1941  
Vollenda Junior 616 (6.5x11cm) 1934-1937  
Vollenda Junior 620 (6x9cm) 1933-1937   Collection
Vollenda No.48 1932-1937   PhotoCollection
Vollenda No.48 (Elmar) 1932-1937   PhotoCollection
Vollenda No.52 1932-1937  
Vollenda No.68 1932-1937  
Vollenda No.70/1 1932-1937   Photo
Vollenda No.72 1932-1937  
VR 35 K10 1986-c1990s   PhotoCommentsCollection
VR 35 K12 1986-1989   PhotoRarity indexCollection
VR 35 K2 1986   Photo
VR 35 K300 c1987-1990   PhotoCollection
VR 35 K4a 1986   PhotoCollection
VR 35 K5 1986   Photo
VR 35 K60 1986   PhotoCollection
VR 35 K80 c1987-1993   PhotoCollection
VR 35 K80 DX c1986-1993   PhotoCollection
Weekend (waterproof) 1989   PhotoCollection
Weekend 35 (waterproof) 1992   Photo
Weno Hawk-Eye No.2 1904-1915   Collection
Weno Hawk-Eye No.4 1904-1915   Collection
Weno Hawk-Eye No.5 1905-1915   Photo
Weno Hawk-Eye No.7 1908-1915   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Wide Angle c1920s-1937   PhotoWishlist
Winner Camera 1979   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Winner Camera (1988 Olympics) 1988   PhotoCommentsCollection
World's Fair Flash Camera 1964-1965   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Zenith Kodak No.3 1898-1899  
Zenith Kodak No.4 1898-1899  
Zoom 8 Automatic 1959  
Zoom 8 Reflex Model I 1960  
Zoom 8 Reflex Model II 1960  

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