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The origins of AGFA – the Aktien-Gesellschaft für Anilin-Fabrikation company - can be tracked to 1867. In 1925, as a part of temporary merger into IG Farben, AGFA received the Rietzschel company. Later, in 1928, AGFA merged with an American company, Ansco, to become Agfa-Ansco. During the next decade, the company experienced a number of mergers and name changes, but in 1941 the AGFA and Ansco companies were finally split, and AGFA was absorbed (again) by IG Farben. It wasn’t until 1952 that the company, then owned by Bayer AG, was able to re- establish its own name, operating as Agfa AG. In 1964, a further merger with Gevaert Photo-Producten N.V. gave the company a new name, Agfa-Gevaert. Since then, there have been numerous additional acquisitions and mergers, but the company continues to operate as Agfa-Gevaert. The complete history of this company is available on the Wikipedia AGFA page. |
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