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Cameras > Krasnogorsk

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Krasnogorsk Mechanical Works (in Russian, Красногорский Механический Завод) was established in 1942 near Moscow, USSR. The company started manufacturing photographic equipment in 1945, with the first model being the "Zorki", a copy of Leica II. In 1953, KMZ introduced the "Zenit" camera model, which was the start of a successful line of cameras. After the Soviet Union collapsed, this factory struggled with outdated cameras, and finally almost completely stopped manufacturing cameras in 2005. Currently the only camera produced by KMZ is a panoramic Horizon model.

Krasnogorsk cameras: Years of manufacture:
16SP-M (16СП-М) 1970   PhotoComments
Alycha Rollover c1984   Photo
Cosmorex SE (Zenit EM) 1972-1984   PhotoManualCollection
Drug 1960-1962   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Drug-2 1960  
F-21 (KGB-camera, belt) c1977   Photo
F-21 (KGB-camera, outfit) c1970s-1980s   PhotoRarity indexCollection
F-21 (KGB-camera, shoulder bag) 1951-1980s   PhotoRarity indexCollection
F-21 (KGB-camera, Zenit case) 1951-1980s   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
F-21 (KGB-camera) 1951-1980s   PhotochartRarity indexCollection
F-27 (KGB-camera, Neotsit) c1970s   PhotoCollection
F-27 (KGB-camera, Quarz 1x8S-2) c1984   Photo
FED FS-5 (FotoSniper) (Rifle) 1985  
Foton 1969   Photo
Foton 2 1973  
Foton 3 1975  
Foton M 1970   Photo
FS-12 (FotoSniper) (Rifle) 1982-1990   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
FS-12-3 (FotoSniper) (Rifle) 1990  
FS-122 (FotoSniper) (Rifle) 1992   Collection
FS-2 (FotoSniper) (Rifle, FED) 1944-1945   PhotochartRarity index
FS-2 (FotoSniper) (Rifle, GOI, FED) 1943   PhotoRarity index
FS-3 (FotoSniper) (Rifle) 1965-1982   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
FS-312 K (FotoSniper) (Rifle) 2000  
FS-4 (FotoSniper) (Rifle) 1974  
FS-4M (FotoSniper) (Rifle) 1981  
FT1 Panorama c1948   PhotoWishlist
FT2 Panorama 1958-1965   PhotochartRarity indexCollectionWishlist
FT3 Panorama c1951-1952   Photo
Horizon (prototype) c1980   Photo
Horizon Panoramic (Gorizont, Horizont, Revue) 1967-1973   PhotochartRarity indexCommentsCollection
Horizon S3 Pro c2003   Photo
Horizon-202 (Gorizont) 1989-2000s   PhotochartManualCollection
Horizon-205 PC (Gorizont) 2000-2005   Photo
Horizont (gold) 1967-1973   Photo
Iskra 1960-1963   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Iskra 2 1961-1964   PhotoCollection
Krasnogorsk 1965-1974  
Krasnogorsk 2 1966  
Krasnogorsk 3 1971-1989   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Krasnogorsk 4 1979  
Kristall (Crystal) 1961-1962   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Kristall 2 (Crystal 2) c1962   Photo
MF-1 (MVD camera) c1950   Photo
Mir 1959-1961   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Moscow (Moskva) Mod 1 1946-1949   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Moscow (Moskva) Mod 2 1947-1956   PhotochartRarity indexManualCollection
Moscow (Moskva) Mod 3 1950-1951   PhotoRarity indexManual
Moscow (Moskva) Mod 4 1955-1958   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Moscow (Moskva) Mod 5 1956-1960   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Narciss 1961-1965   PhotochartCollectionWishlist
Narciss (white) 1961-1965   PhotoRarity indexWishlist
Prinzflex 500 1972   PhotoManualCollection
Prinzflex 500E 1972   PhotoCollection
Quarz 1960-1966   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Quarz 1x8 S 1970  
Quarz 1x8 S-1 1970-1974  
Quarz 1x8 S-2 1973-1992   PhotoCollection
Quarz 2 1963-1968  
Quarz 2M 1966-1973   PhotoCollection
Quarz 2x8S-1M (2xSuper 8-1M) 1968   PhotoCollection
Quarz 2x8S-3 (D8S-3) 1971-1980   Collection
Quarz 3 1963-1968   PhotoCollection
Quarz 5 1967-1973   PhotoCollection
Quarz 8XL 1985-1992  
Quarz DS8-M 1975   Collection
Quarz M 1965-1973   PhotoCollection
Start 1958-1964   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Start II 1963-1964  
Tochka S-252 (Spy Camera with release) c1960s   PhotoComments
Tochka S-252 (Spy Camera with viewfinder) c1960s   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Tochka S-252 (Spy Camera, close focus) c1960s  
Tochka S-252 (Spy Camera, outfit) c1960s   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Tochka S-252 (Spy Camera) c1960s   PhotochartRarity indexCollection
Yolka C-64 (Elka) 1985-1993   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Yunkor (Junkor, Ionkor) 1959-1962   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zeniflex c1960-1968  
Zenit (1950, preseries) 1950   Photo
Zenit (1952) 1952-1953   PhotoRarity indexWishlist
Zenit (1953) 1953-1956   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zenit (1955) Prototype c1955-1960   Photo
Zenit 10 1981-1982   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zenit 11 1981-1990   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zenit 11 Labo c1980s   Photo
Zenit 12 1983-1988   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollection
Zenit 12 CD 1983-1988   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Zenit 12 S 1983-1988   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zenit 12 XL 1990s   Photo
Zenit 12 XP 1983-1990   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zenit 12 XPS c1990s   PhotoCollection
Zenit 122 1990   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Zenit 122 '50 Years' Black 1995   Collection
Zenit 122 '50 Years' Titanium 1992   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zenit 122B c1990s   PhotoCollection
Zenit 122K 1990   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zenit 122K 'Moskva 850' 1997  
Zenit 14 1987-1990  
Zenit 15 1984-1985   Photo
Zenit 15M 1987-1990   PhotoCollection
Zenit 16 1973-1977   Photo
Zenit 18 1980-1987   PhotoCollection
Zenit 19 1979-1987   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Zenit 212K 1994-1995   PhotoCollection
Zenit 3 1960-1962   PhotoRarity indexCollectionWishlist
Zenit 3 M 1962-1970   PhotoRarity indexManualCollectionWishlistfor_sale
Zenit 3 M '50 Years' 1962-1970   PhotoCollection
Zenit 3 M 'TsKBK' 1965   Photo
Zenit 312M 1998   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Zenit 312M '55 years' 2000  
Zenit 35F c1990-1993   Photo
Zenit 4 1964-1968   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zenit 412DX 2000   Rarity indexCollection
Zenit 412LS 2002   PhotoCollection
Zenit 5 1964-1968   PhotoComments
Zenit 510 2000-2001   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Zenit 520 2000-2001   Photo
Zenit 6 1964-1968   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zenit 610 2000-2001  
Zenit 620 2000-2001   Photo
Zenit 7 (1968) 1968-1969   Photo
Zenit 7 (1969) 1969-1971   PhotoWishlist
Zenit AM 1988   PhotoCollection
Zenit AM 2 1990   PhotoCollection
Zenit AM 3 1994  
Zenit APk 1992-1998   PhotoCollection
Zenit Automat 1984   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zenit B (V) 1968-1978   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Zenit B (V) (with lens turret) 1968-1978   PhotoComments
Zenit BE-2 1972-1985   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zenit BM 1972-1973  
Zenit C 1955-1961   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Zenit D Automat 1967-1970   Photo
Zenit E 1965-1981   PhotoRarity indexManualCollectionfor_sale
Zenit E Olympic 80 1977-1980   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zenit EM 1972-1984   PhotoRarity indexManualCollectionfor_sale
Zenit EM Olympic 80 1972-1984   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Zenit ES (ЕС) 1974-1982   Photo
Zenit ES (ЕС) (FotoSniper) 1974-1982   PhotoCollection
Zenit ET 1981-1982   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zenit Junior c1964-1968   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zenit KM 2001-2004  
Zenit KM Plus 2004-2005   PhotoCollection
Zenit MF-1 c1950   Photo
Zenit MT Surprise 1973-1975  
Zenit MT-1 Surprise 1979-1990   PhotoCollection
Zenit TTL 1977-1985   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Zenit TTL Olympic 1977-1985   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zodchi (KGB Spy) c1985   Photo
Zorki (Standard) c1957   Photo
Zorki 'Yura' c1961   Photo
Zorki 1 (Type 1a) 1949-1950   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 1 (Type 1b, slow speeds) c1951-1953   Photo
Zorki 1 (Type 1b) c1950-1951   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Zorki 1 (Type 1c) c1951-1953   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 1 (Type 1d) c1953-1954   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 1 (Type 1d) Stereo c1953-1954   PhotoCollection
Zorki 1 (Type 1e) c1954-1956   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 10 1964-1978   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollectionWishlist
Zorki 11 1964-1966   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 12 (Automat) 1967-1968   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 2 1954-1956   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 2 C (S) 1955-1960   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 250 Reporter 1980s   Photo
Zorki 3 1951-1955   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 3 (periscope) c1950s   Photo
Zorki 3 C (S) 1955-1956   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 3 M 1954-1956   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 35 M c1960s   Photo
Zorki 4 1956-1973   PhotoRarity indexCommentsManualCollectionWishlistfor_sale
Zorki 4 "50 years - October" 1967   Rarity indexCommentsCollection
Zorki 4 '50 years of Soviet Power' 1967   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 4 K 1972-1978   PhotoRarity indexManualCollectionWishlist
Zorki 4 K '30 years of Victory' 1974  
Zorki 4 K 'Olympic' c1980  
Zorki 5 1958-1959   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 6 1959-1966   PhotoRarity indexManualCollection
Zorki 6 (Zinnia, spy) c1970s   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 6 (Zola, spy) c1970-1985   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki 75 1980s   Photo
Zorki C (S) 1955-1958   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Zorki C (S) green 1955-1958   PhotoRarity indexCommentsCollection
Zorki C (S) grey 1955-1958   PhotoRarity indexCollection
Zorki FED 1948-1949   Photo

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